Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The boost begins

In total, I was scheduled for 33 radiation treatments. It didn't seem as overwhelming hearing it as it has been doing it.

I knew it would take a physical toll. Nurse Donna gave me the rundown on the side effects. I knew the radiation burns and the exhaustion were coming. But they are much worse than I thought they would be.

Every Friday, I see the radiation oncologist after my treatment.

This past week, after we greeted each other, his first comment was — and let me preface it with the fact that he said it in a surprising and happy voice.

"I hear you don't have any open sores!" he said.

Can you imagine being in a situation where THAT is the good news?!

I start the boost treatments today. I'm a little nervous because I'm moving up to the next machine. They go — from least powerful to most powerful — green, yellow, blue, red.

I met a new tech this week named Nick. I said, "I haven't seen you before, Nick. Are you new?"

He said, "No, I've been working on the red machine for a while."

To which I replied, "Then I'm GLAD I haven't met you yet! I don't want to be anywhere near that red machine!" That got a laugh.

But I'm moving one step closer.

All my previous treatments have been on the green machine. But today, my boost treatments will be starting on the yellow machine.

The boost is just what it sounds like. The next five treatments will be more targeted and more powerful. They want to hit the "tumor bed." That's the area in my breast where the tumor was.

Or as the doctors say, malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of right breast at 9:30 o'clock position, approximately 2 cm from the nipple.

You wouldn't believe the medical lingo I now understand.

Well, let's go get boosted!

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