Sunday, August 8, 2021

But it’s not CANCER cancer

I wanted to let people know what was going on with my health. Everyone who knows me knows that I’m pretty much an open book about sharing stuff.

So I went onto Facebook and created a post with the early details.  I wrote:

“Hello, friends. I have some health news I'd like to share. I started this year finding out I had a genetic heart disorder, but after much testing, I only have to take one medication, and keep a check on things. Next came a skin cancer on my scalp. That was fixed with a 2-inch incision, 7 stitches and a very, very bad haircut that still hasn't grown out! But this morning, I found out that I have breast cancer. I am faithful with mammograms, so it's a tiny spot (a little bigger than a green pea). They'll be able to take it out surgically, and I'll probably get by with just radiation after that. I'm not one for pity parties, so I just wanted to share this and ask for prayers and good thoughts sent my way. I go for a surgery consultation Monday, and everyone I've worked with so far has been super kind. I'll keep you abreast (see what I did there?) of the situation and how I'll be moving forward. Thank you for your support!”

The responses were overwhelming. Everyone was so kind, loving and encouraging. And I really appreciate all of it.

But an odd thing happened after I read the comments. I started thinking that “Yeah, I have cancer, but it isn’t CANCER cancer.”

My cancer is Stage 1A, Grade 2. That means that it’s very small and of medium invasiveness.

But when I think of cancer, I think of people with Stage 4 who have fought it for years and years and have had rounds and rounds of chemo. And that’s not what mine is. As crazy as it sounds, I almost feel like a cancer poser.

Don’t get me wrong. I understand the seriousness of this. And I will fight it with everything I’ve got. I guess I just don’t want to feel like a victim.

But just as I’ve told one of my friends for years, you can’t compare your stuff to somebody else’s stuff because there’s always someone who is worse off than you. But if it’s a problem for you, it’s a problem.

I need to take my own advice.


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