Tuesday, October 19, 2021

What modesty?

You get to a point with certain medical processes when your privacy and modesty just goes out the window.

I was explaining to my mother-in-law and sister-in-law how the process goes when I go in for radiation, and I said off-handedly, "Half the county has seen my boobs."

She said, "What have you been doing that half the county has seen them?"

My husband was laid off last year and hasn't found a full-time job yet, so I couldn't help myself with my reply.

"Well if my good-for-nothin' husband would hold a job, I wouldn't have to be showing them to everybody!"

We had a good laugh, but it's true. My modesty is gone.

When my name shows up on the screen, I have to go to a dressing room and take off everything above my waist and put on a hospital gown. The first few times, I tied up the strings on the back for the 30-feet-or-so walk down the hall and into the treatment room.

But as soon as I get into the treatment room, I have to lie down on the table and pull my hospital gown off my arms and down to my waist. Which meant that I had to walk over to the table, untie the strings on the back of the gown, then climb onto the table and flip down the gown.

That's just too much trouble.

So now, here's what anyone in the hall sees.

And I'm perfectly okay with that.

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