Friday, August 27, 2021


There's a lot of hurrying-up-and-waiting when you have cancer.

Something might be wrong, let's get you an appointment with someone else. Yep, something is definitely wrong, let's get you an appointment with someone who can tell us exactly what it is. Okay, so here's what's wrong, let's get you some appointments with some people who can help fix it.

And in between all the appointments, you get to wait on test results.

The surgeon told me that I would get a pathology report about three days after surgery. That report would say whether they were able to get all the cancer out. If they did, great. If they didn't, they'd have to go back and do more surgery.

Nowadays, with the technology they have, they can be pretty certain that they get it all, but there's always a chance that there could be more surgery.

And on a side note, I always think of cancer as this awful invader and thought it should be black and icky looking while surrounded by pink, health cells.

I got my pathology results yesterday, and there was good news and bad news.

The good news is that I don't have to have anymore surgery. Yay!

The bad news is that there was microscopic cancer in one of the five lymph nodes they took out.

The surgeon said they used to just go ahead and remove all the lymph nodes in that area. But patients had a hard time healing well and often had arm stiffness and limitations in movement, among other problems.

So now, they just ramp up the radiation or add in chemo.

I should find out sometime next week what our plan of attack will be for me.

Stay posted.

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